About David Pond...

David holds a Master of Science Degree in Experimental Metaphysics from Central Washington University.  David is the author of two books, Astrology and Relationships and Chakras for Beginners and co-author of two books other books:  The Metaphysical Handbook and Crystals, Stones & Chakras, and is a contributing author in two of LLewellyn's New World Astrology series:  Exploring Consciousness in the Horoscope and Astrological Counseling.  David is also a regular contributor to The Mountain Astrologer.  

David's formal education complements his many years as a practicing professional astrologer, and his life long study of yoga and meditation, thus giving him an in-depth awareness of the field of metaphysics.

David utilizes his skills by giving lectures, private consultations and taped readings.  David has helped individuals find a deeper meaning in life, get in touch with their source of strength, improve relationship skills and identify and overcome problem areas.

David and his wife Laura organize yearly trips to sacred sites such as Bali, the Yucatan and Hawaii.   These week long adventures include yoga, consciousness work and cultural explorations.  Contact us for information on the next trip.

Concerning Your Astrology...

There are many paths to choose from in the human potential movement.  Most of these paths are generic forms of exploring this potential.  Astrology, however, offers a highly individualized path for your development.  No two birth charts are exactly alike.  David's scientific research has shown that birth chart information is highly specific to individuals and not general to all as is sometimes thought.

Your birth chart is your mandala for personal social and spiritual growth.  It stays with you your entire life as a blueprint for your potential destiny, depending on how you apply your free will.

Reflecting Pond Publications...

This is our publishing company that produces and distributes David's work.  Look under Books and Tapes for actual products.